This study aims to analyze the provision of wages in the practice of pick-up and drop-off of bentors (motorized pedicabs) that deliver diesel to fishermen in Brengkok Village, Brondong District, Lamongan, from the perspective of Islamic law. The research method used is field research with a descriptive analytical approach. Data collection techniques are carried out through interviews, observations, and documentation. The results of the study indicate that the provision of wages is based on an agreement between fishermen and bentor drivers, with two types of wages: cash of Rp50,000 or sea fish. Wages are given after the bentor driver completes his task, namely picking up diesel drums from fishermen to gas stations and delivering them back to fishermen. From the perspective of Islamic law, the practice of providing wages fulfills the pillars and requirements of the ijarah contract, which is a rental contract for the services or benefits of an item. Based on the analysis, the provision of wages in the form of money and fish has been agreed upon by both parties and is in accordance with the principle of justice in Islam, namely a clear agreement regarding wages, work done, and time of implementation. In addition, the requirements in the ijarah contract such as the skills of both parties (bentor and fishermen), willingness, and a clear agreement have also been met. Overall, the practice of providing wages for becak drivers in Brengkok Village has been in accordance with the provisions of Islamic law, especially related to the principles of justice, agreement, and clear benefits for both parties. This study provides an overview that the wage system in this practice is not only beneficial for becak drivers, but also for fishermen, and in accordance with sharia principles.
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