• Arjulayana English Education Department, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, University of Muhammadiyah Tangerang, Tangerang, Indonesia
  • Tri Pujiati English Literature Department, Faculty of Social Sciences and Cultural Studies, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan, Indonesia
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Abstrak: Communicative language teaching is one of teaching method which addressing to communicative skill, hence this method is advocated for speaking skill as a foreign language. Learning EFL for non-English learners has many obstacles to be mastered by Indonesian students otherwise, teacher need to find a suitable method for them. The objectives of this research are to find out the effects of optimalisation in implementing the CLT for student’s speaking skill. To find this effect, the study is used quasi experimental design through control class and experimental class. The data of this research were collected by test (pretest and posttest) with the total sample is 33 students from 109 population based on 1st semester students at the university.  The data analysis showed that t-score was 2.178 and t-table was 1.671 with 5% of significance level. The test score was higher than t-table (2.178 > 1.671), It was meant that Hi (alternative hypothesis) was accepted while Ho (null hypothesis) was rejected. It also meant that there was a significant effect in term of speaking skill between the students given CLT and those who given conventional method, otherwise, CLT has very significant method to be used for encourage students speaking skill.

Keywords: Communicative Language Teaching (CLT); non-English learners; Speaking skill


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How to Cite
Arjulayana, & Pujiati, T. (2024). OPTIMIZE COMMUNICATIVE LANGUAGE TEACHING (CLT) APPROACH FOR NON-ENGLISH LEARNERS’ SPEAKING SKILL. JALIE; Journal of Applied Linguistics and Islamic Education, 8(02), 215-238. Retrieved from https://ejournal.unkafa.ac.id/index.php/jalie-unkafa/article/view/1296