Abstract: This article examines the contribution of Arabic language learning in strengthening the character of students at the Fathul Majid Kasiman Modern Islamic Boarding School. Arabic in this pesantren is not only studied as a means of communication, but also as a means to understand Islamic teachings in depth, which is expected to shape the character of students. The focus of the research includes analysis of the implementation of learning methods, the relationship between the Arabic language and character values such as discipline, responsibility, and honesty, as well as the challenges faced in the teaching process. This research uses a case study approach, with data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study show that Arabic language learning at the Fathul Majid Kasiman Modern Islamic Boarding School uses innovative methods such as project-based learning and interactive discussions, which are effective in improving language mastery and internalizing the character values of students. In addition to the academic aspect, this learning also strengthens the character of students, such as discipline, responsibility, and honesty. Challenges faced include limited resources, variations in language skills, and the need to adjust teaching methods. Various strategies are implemented to overcome these challenges, including the use of digital media, language games, personal approaches, and group discussions, which create an interactive learning environment that is relevant to the needs of students.
Keywords: Arabic Language Learning, Character Strengthening, Islamic Boarding Schools
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