English Teachers Perception and Practice on The Transition from Curriculum 13 to Merdeka Curriculum

This research was aimed at investigating, (1) english teacher’s perception and practice in implementing Curriculum 13 and Merdeka Curriculum, (2) the realization and correlation between implementing Curriculum 13 and Merdeka Curriculum. The research was mixed method. Data were collected by using document, questionare, observation class, and interview. The results showed that the perception of English teachers in Lamongan regarding the implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum stated that the results were positive in the English language learning process and were well received by the Guru Penggerak in Lamongan. Based on this research, it is recommended that English teachers get used to implementing the learning approaches and methods that have been recommended in Merdeka curriculum. School principals should consider the availability of learning media and teacher needs to support the implementation of the Merdeka curriculum. Other researchers are advised to conduct research related to the assessment process in the Merdeka curriculum
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