• Moch. Bachrurosyady Amrullah Universitas Kiai Abdullah Faqih Gresik
  • Khodijatul Fatiyah Universitas Kiai Abdullah Faqih Gresik
  • Tasya Amelya Putri Universitas Kiai Abdullah Faqih Gresik
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Abstract: The problem that students often face in the process of starting to write research is confusion about what to write. The use of philosophical assumptions which have an initial mapping function for research is often abandoned by students. This is likely to be the cause of students experiencing these difficulties. By understanding the concept of philosophical research assumptions, students are expected to be able to map research paradigms, approaches and types of research, as well as analyzes that will be used in their final assignments. So that the problem of difficulties in starting research writing can be resolved. By using the library research research method, this paper describes the concept of philosophical research assumptions. This mini research resulted in 1) ontological assumptions that map the locus of research as well as the problems to be researched, 2) epistemological assumptions that emphasize how researchers interpret information about the problems that have been formulated, 3) axiological assumptions that emphasize the value or impact of the research, and 4) Methodological assumptions emphasize the selection of appropriate research methods in the research.

Keywords: research philosophical assumptions, moderate Islamic education


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How to Cite
Amrullah, M. B., Fatiyah, K., & Putri, T. A. (2024). ASUMSI FILOSOFIS DALAM PENELITIAN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM MODERAT. JALIE; Journal of Applied Linguistics and Islamic Education, 8(02), 271-282. Retrieved from