Abstract: Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) is a learning approach that connects learning material with real contexts and the daily lives of students. This study aims to review the application of CTL in Reading courses for English education students. The purpose of this descriptive research is to make a description, describe the facts, characteristics and the relationship between the phenomena investigated either in the form of writing or words, then carry out an assessment or analysis. The research method used was qualitative, while the type of research conducted by the researcher was descriptive qualitative in the third semester of the English language education study program at Kiai Abdullah Faqih University, Gresik. Data was collected through class observation, interviews with lecturers, and document analysis. The results showed that the application of CTL in the Reading course had a positive impact on students' understanding and interest in learning. The application of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) in Reading courses in the context of English language education is effective in increasing students' understanding of concepts and learning interest and being able to link between material obtained in class and what is presented in the real world. The researcher recommends that further research development be carried out by involving a larger sample and expanding the application of CTL to other subjects in the English education study program.
Keyword: Contextual Teaching and Learning, English Language, Reading.
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